This third part of the series of books on Puranas is dedicated to the great women of our ancient culture. The scope of the book has been widened from stories from Puranas to include the description and stories of women sages and Goddesses in Vedas and Upanishads also.
The book is exclusively centered on the stories of the great Indian Women, Rishikas, sages and Goddesses from our ancient scriptures. In this part of the series, we explore and examine the actual position of women in Indian society in ancient times vis-à-vis the wrong information circulated among intellectuals by propagandist having vested interest.
Important Goddesses covered are Durga, Kali, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Gayatri, Radha and Ganga. Amazing stories are there on these Goddesses and some others also like of Vedavathi, and of women scholars challenging the best men scholars.