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पुराने ग्रंथ
वेद धातु रुप “विद” का अर्थ है “जानना”। इससे संज्ञा रुप “वेद” का अर्थ ज्ञान की पुस्तकें हैं। वेद बहुत
Dash Avatar
There are ten major incarnations or Avatars of Vishnu. The post narrates first eight in details as given in different Puranas. Both Avatars of Buddha and Kalki are given as to happen in future and indicated in brief here. These stories of victory of virtue over vice are all awesome.
Motivation theory and Upanishads
Upanishads are considered to contain spiritual and philosophical aspects of life. This post shows the practical implication of the reasoning and thought process of Upanishad. You may be amazed to observe how modern Maslow Motivation Theory comes as a biproduct of the Bhrigu Varuni Brahm Vidya in the Taittariya Upanishad
Do Know 4 Objectives of Life
According to Vaidic philosophy, everyone must strive to achieve 4 objective or Purusharth in his life. All objectives of life
Vedanta Philosophy is the most important Indian philosophy, which was propounded by Shankaracharya based on Brahm Sutra, Brahm Vidyas from Upanishads and Bhagavad gita. After popularization by Vivekananda, it is one of the most important philosophy of the modern world.
Number of deities (वेदों और उपनिषदों में देव की संख्या)
क्रमांकन विषय 1 देव शब्द की परिभाषा 2 देवों के गुण 3 देवों की संख्या 4 तैंतीस
Asura and Deva (असुर और देव)
देवासुर संग्राम पुरातन काल से चल रहा है, परंतु इन को ईश्वरीय शक्ति के रुप में ऋग्वेद में बताया गया और गीता बताती है कि प्रत्येक मनुष्य आसुरी और दैवी गुण अपने में रखता है । आवश्यक है कि अपना आत्म विश्लेषण कर अपने को देव की श्रेणी में रखे ।
Thirty three Devas or one Deva
There is great confusion regarding the number of Devas (deities) in the Hindu religion. Some say it is thirty three